Market - Buy

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  1. Procedure for Purchasing Character Cards:

    1. Step 1: Access the Market section.

    2. Step 2: Select 3 character cards for purchase.

    3. Step 3: Confirm the transaction to acquire the chosen characters.

  2. Mention bullet points:

    1. If an item has been sold, you can receive money via email.

    2. Buying and selling items in the game is only applicable to unbound items.

    3. You can use Spirit Stones or Soul Jades to buy items.

    4. Using Spirit Seeds incurs a fee of 30,000 for each sell listing.

    5. Bound items cannot be sold in the Market.

    6. There is a 3% tax charge for each sell listing.

    7. You cannot buy your own item.

    8. The maximum number of sell listings is 6.

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